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Asia Climate Rally ACTION DAY!


Updated: Sep 1, 2021

More than 7000 people across different countries & platforms, offline & online took part and watched the Asia Climate Rally regional call of action livestream! Keep the conversation going by using the hashtag #AsiaClimateRally.

The Asia Climate Rally (ACR) campaign, run by youth climate strikers in Asia, was held with one collective purpose; demand Asian governments, institutions, and corporations to take urgent climate actions during this pandemic. Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY) is the Malaysian arm of the Asia Climate Rally.

More than 10 countries in Asia amplified climate injustices in their respective countries and demand governments to take accountability, stop glorifying resilience. Asia Climate Rally has shown that we, together, can organize, build resistance, and solidarity across borders.

Asia Climate Rally presented more than 30 speakers with performances from local artists, and interactive sessions and quizzes; all packed in a 4-hour livestream that inspired climate solidarity and harnessed our Asian resistance.

Though many of us are participating online, youth from Indonesia, Japan, Bangladesh & India protested on the streets leading their communities to demand governments for serious climate action during this pandemic and #BuildBackBetter.

All pictures are from #AsiaClimateRally on Twitter

Asia Climate Rally LIVESTREAM

Watch the full livestream below:

Timestamps available here

Watch video snippets of the speakers on this Twitter thread:

How was the Asia Climate Rally collective born? Who is part of this? Read all about ACR on the press conference post here



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